Friday, April 1, 2011

Props:Scenes 4&5

In these two scenes we had the school dance.  We had party streamers, masks, table cloths, and balloons.  We put streamers on the windows and the glass seperaters in the cafeteria.  The balloons went on the fireplace mantle.  Streamers were dangled across the chandelers.  Also we blew up balloons and placed them all over the floor.  We used the disco ball that I made earlier for this scene too.  Table cloths were put on the vending machine to hide it.  The masks were for everyone at the party.  The masks were feathery Mardi Gras masks and everyone had on costumes for the party.  We pushed all of the chairs and cafeteria tables to the back of the room to get them out of the scene.  Setting up props doesn't sound that hard.  When your the one buying and having to set everything up, it's not that easy.  I enjoy being in props, but sometimes when other people try to help they can just get in the way.  In the end it all worked and filmed a great scene.

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